The purpose of the Orchard Hills PTO shall be:
- To assist and support Orchard Hills School by providing programs, activities, materials, items, and financial support to further enrich and enhance the educational experience of the students
- To promote a closer and more effective relationship between students, parents, teachers, and the community
- To encourage involvement and volunteerism of parents, guardians and other family and community members who are interested in supporting the educational and/or social activities of Orchard Hills School
What does the PTO Fund?
Funds raised by the PTO are used to provide programs and materials that are not funded by the state.
Examples of PTO purchases that have made improvements to your child’s education:
- Classroom materials / enrichment
- Computers / iPads
- Science equipment / supplies
- Accelerated Reader program
- Library books / supplies
- Fibo Art program
- PBS / CJSF / AVID programs
- Online resources / materials
- Musical instruments
- Student programs
- Every year each teacher is also given a stipend to use for the benefit of his or her class.